Saturday, October 1, 2016

Updates On My Writing.

Those updates are scant, boy, let me tell 'ya. But they're there. A few of them, anyway.

My story Hotline Bling is being released in an anthology from Lycan Valley Press, titled The Final Masquerade. The tentative release date is October 31st. Spooky, right? One of my beta readers, Samantha, said, "I think I'm a fucked up person for even liking the story." Another good friend of mine, Daniel, said, "The concept alone disturbs me." If that isn't enough to make you read it, you must be a decent human being. Regardless, here's the short synopsis I'm going to write on the fly.

"Alex never used to mind volunteering his time to take calls for the suicide hotline. As time goes on, though, he finds he's getting really sick of these people whining about things he finds trivial. Finally, he does something about it. Something sick."

I hope that made you want to read it. If you don't, your opinion of the main characters in my stories thus far won't diminish, so at least there's that.

I sent in a short story titled Into The Wild to be considered in an anthology from Off The Beaten Path Press, titled Hell Is For Children. Here's the synopsis for that one (again, written on the fly):

"Frank and his family have been forced to move to a gritty apartment in inner city Cincinnati due to his losing his job, the family’s only source of income. He and his wife scoff at their daughter’s notion that their new home is haunted. The place is a dump, but there’s no such thing as ghosts. However, as strange things begin to happen first around the house, and then to the family themselves, Frank can’t be so sure. And within just a few days of moving in, his looming unemployment is the least of his worries."

Again, this is just a pending submission, far from a sure thing, but at least keep your fingers crossed for me, would you?

As you all well know, I'm still trying my damndest to sell my debut novel Speak Of The Devil to an agent, but that hasn't yielded anything. Not to fear, though; I've only been rejected by eight of them, so I still have a long time to worry about whether or not I'm a piece of crap writer.

I was hard at work on the sequel, Heavy Lies The Crown. I got about a quarter of the way through it, then shelved it in favor of some short stories I had the itch to write. I'll get it done soon, though. Promise.

Along with that, there's still the Iconoclast Saga, which I'm about three novellettes (or 35,000 words) deep into. I just can't find the time to edit the damn thing. Same goes for my novella Secrets To The Grave, though there was a few day stint a couple months back where I put in some serious work on that badboy.

As you can see here, my problem is that I can't just focus on one thing for too long. But I'm a writer, and that's my life. If it weren't, this post wouldn't have been so long. Oh, well. Until next time, chums.

PS - Going back, I can see that this update wasn't scant at all. My apologies if you feel like I've deceived you in any way. Either way, get over it. I didn't make you click the link!

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