Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Necessity Of It.

One day, I would like to be writing for a pretty sizable audience. People who love what I put out and demand that I keep doing it. Hell, even a few death threats and stalkers would be super neat!

Right now, of course, it's almost like I'm writing for myself. A lot of the stuff I've published has been read, of course, but I choose to think that those people are fans of the publication instead of fans of Craig Steven. I get a few messages from people telling me they love my writing and look forward to my next release (thanks to those of you who no doubt know who you are). For the most part, though, since my first short story was published a little over two years ago, while my name has gained some stock, and possibly notoriety, the progress I've made professionally has felt minimal (though it is there, I promise).

Sometimes people ask me why I do what I do. Why I write when the chances of my name being of the household variety are slim to none.

Because I have to.

I know a lot of writers can empathize with this feeling. Writing isn't something I just shrugged and thought I could do on a whim to make a quick buck (LMAO at people thinking writing and quick buck should be ANYWHERE in the same paragraph together, let alone sentence (not counting the two sentences that preceded this one)). My head is full of stories that need to be told, ideas that need to be fleshed out, characters who threaten to come squirming violently out of my ears, nostrils and other orifices of my body (eww) if I don't do something with them.

I hope a lot of people read my books and short stories in the future. I've gained some steam, I'm looking for an agent for my first book, Speak Of The Devil, and I'm constantly sending short stories to different publishers. If I don't make it in the writing world, no one could ever say it's for lack of trying.

And if I don't get there, sure, it'll be a damn shame. But I could never stop writing. I've gotten down in the dumps before after a few different strings of rejection, I've almost let my life get in the way a few times, and, put quite simply, there have been times when I wanted to do nothing more than give up and live my life without sitting in front of a keyboard ever again.

But that's not a choice I'm allowed to make. I'm a writer. It's not in my DNA or anything, but I was born to do this. No matter who reads what I write, I have to write it. It's that simple.

So to those few of who have read my work and found it enjoyable, good news; I'm not going to stop any time soon. Even if you're the only ones who will ever be on the lookout for it, it will be there. So sit back and watch me try to add members to your ranks as I type my goddamn fingers off.

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